Recognition of Prior Learning
Successful students who have completed at least one semester in another department of the institute or doctoral program affiliated with the equivalent institute of another university can apply for transfer to the doctoral program. In order for the transfer application to be accepted, the student must have at least 75 GPA from the courses that he / she has registered until the application date, the compatibility between the Ph.D. program and the program s / he wants to pass, and the thesis advisor in the relevant department. member and infrastructure needs to be available. The student who wants to transfer to a doctoral program of the university; by adding the required documents to the petition and applying to the institute directorate concerned. Director of the institution; submits the application documents to the related department or main art department and obtains the opinion of the department. If this view is positive, the student asks for the names of the courses that are deemed necessary for the student to adapt to the program. It is decided whether the transfer request is appropriate or not.