Program Learning Outcomes
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1- Explain normal structure and mechanisms of functioning body as a whole and of the systems, organs, tissue and cells
2- Identify the alterations in tissues, organs and systems caused by the diseases
3- Select evidence-based highly effective methods by interpreting critical thinking methods in order to solve case-based problems
4- Hastalar, hasta yakınları, meslektaşları ve diğer sağlık personeli ile uygun ve etkin iletişim yöntemlerini kullanır
5- Perform basic diagnostic methods to establish a diagnosis.
6- Plan and perform effective, safe, appropriate and low-cost therapies.
7- Provide immediate treatments and basic life support.
8- Follow ways of reaching the knowledge in order to response to scientific and technological advances, changes in professional practice.
9- As a privileged task of the physician to improve the patient's life and health, adopt the principles like taking preventive measures, employing proper and rational treatment options
10- Provide health services with team working according to priority of community needs by applying components of health management
11- Regard universal medical ethics principles like "primum non nocere"
12- Take the responsibility of providing first aid to emergencies
13- Evaluate each patient's own environment, community and individual requirements
14- Unbiased and judicial approaches to patients and relatives, and adopt that as an ethical obligation
15- Respect universal patients' rights, including privacy policy
16- Comprehend and adopt the importance of life-long education and self-learning
17- Be able to apply critical thinking skils in the clinical decision making process.
18- Critical decision-making in the crisis, participatory and collaborative leadership is shown by supporting individual and organizational autonomy for teamwork.