Teaching & Learning Methods
Teaching and learning methods and strategies are chosen to improve the student’s skills such as self learning, life-long learning, observation, teaching others, presentation, critical thinking, teamworking and IT.
Also, to achieve a better learning with students having different learning styles, the program is supported by convenient methodologies given below*:
Teaching and Learning Methods Major Learning Activities Tools
Lecture Listening and interpretation Classware, multimedia, data projector, computer, overhead projector
Lecture with Discussion Listening and interpretation, Observation/manipulation situations, critical thinking, question posing Classware, multimedia, data projector, computer, overhead projector
Tutorial / Structured Exercise Specific predetermined skill  
Role Play Specific predetermined skill Classware, specific hardware
Problem Solving Specific predetermined skill  
Case Study Specific predetermined skill  
Brainstorming Observation/manipulation situations, critical thinking, question posing, creative teamwork  
Small Group Discussion Listening and interpretation, Observation/manipulation situations, critical thinking, question posing Classware, Multimedia, data projector, computer, overhead projector
Demonstration Observation/manipulation situations Tools that allow observation
followed by virtual application
Simulation Observation/manipulation situations, IT Skills Tools that allow observation
followed by virtual application
Seminars Research skills, writing, reading, IT Skills, Listening and interpretation, Observation/manipulation situations, organizational skills Classware, multimedia, data projector, computer, overhead projector, specific hardware
Group work Research skills, writing, reading, IT Skills, critical thinking, question posing, organizational skills, teamwork Web directories, database, e-mail, online discussion,
web-based discussion forums
Fieldwork Observation/manipulation situations, Research skills, writing, reading  
Laboratory Observation/manipulation situations, IT Skills, organizational skills, teamwork Specific hardware
Homework Research skills, writing, reading, IT Skills Web directories, database, e-mail
Recitation Research skills, manipulation situations, question posing, interpretation, presentation  
Worksheets/Surveys Research skills, writing, reading  
Panel of Experts Listening and interpretation, Observation/manipulation situations Classware, multimedia, data projector, computer, overhead projector, specific hardware
Guest Speaker Listening and interpretation, Observation/manipulation situations Classware, multimedia, data projector, computer, overhead projector, specific hardware
Student Club Activities / Projects Observation/manipulation situations, critical thinking, question posing, creative team work, Research skills, organizational skills, writing, reading, specific predetermined skill  

(*) Depending on the course specifications, one or more teaching and learning methods might be implemented.
(**) Teaching and assesment methods used in the courses are given in each course's syllabus page.