Program Learning Outcomes
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1- Define the biochemical concepts related to cells and tissues and express their role in human metabolism.
2- Relate the information learned in the related course with other concepts, analyze new concepts, ideas and approaches with different dimensions, approach them scientifically and critically; develop new approaches and solutions.
3- Distinguish biochemical changes in health and disease states.
4- Express the molecular mechanisms in the human body.
5- Explain biochemical measurement methods and laboratory applications of related mechanisms
6- Makes the necessary examination by using advanced level of devices and instruments that are specific to the field and other technological tools including computer in the level required by the field of biochemistry, solves problems, evaluates the results obtained
7- Applies biochemical measurement methods, analyzes and evaluates the results, evaluates the errors in the devices and produces solutions.
8- Applies the evidence-based medical skills by using the current literature, presents and interprets the results of the research
9- Apply the basic concepts of statistics, compare, draw conclusions and interpret the findings
10- plans, concludes and reports research
11- Brings solutions to problems that will arise during the thesis study
12- Make oral presentations on the subject and publish articles in national journals.
13- Gains and applies lifelong learning awareness, follows evidence-based practices and conducts researches that will form evidence on the subject.
14- Recognizes groups related to the field of science, attends meetings, shares their knowledge and original opinion about the field.
15- Communicate orally and in writing in foreign language.
16- Apply the training he received in the field of science ethics and applications.
17- Students will be able to implement and exemplify the collection, archiving, interpretation of results and adherence to ethical values.
18- Participates in multidisciplinary studies.
19- Knows and applies the customs and traditions of the society.
20- Makes strategic planning related to the field, follows the policies of the country, contributes to biochemical issues in national and international health policy studies.