Program Learning Outcomes
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1- Has the basic knowledge of mathematics and science necessary for aircraft technology.
2- Identifies the problems encountered in the field and produces solutions.
3- Has the basic technical drawing knowledge and skills required by the field.
4- Has the ability to use the necessary technical tools, equipment and tools in the field.
5- Uses computer software and computer supported devices required by the field.
6- Has the ability to share their knowledge, skills and thoughts on issues related to the field with their interlocutors in verbal or written Turkish and foreign language and communicate with them.
7- It maintains social and cultural values in the field of related subjects and also cares about occupational health and safety while preserving professional ethics.
8- Knows the manufacturing methods related to the field, recognizes and uses the tools and machines.
9- Knows and applies the standards acquired in the field.
10- Knows basic information and standards about aircraft maintenance and repair.
11- Has the ability to use the tools and materials necessary for the maintenance and repair of aircraft.
12- Knows, selects and classifies the materials required by the field.
13- Has the basic electrical - electronic knowledge and application skills related to aircraft technology.
14- Has the basic knowledge about composite materials used in aircraft technology and production - assembly knowledge.
15- Has the basic knowledge and skills related to the cycles used in aircraft, components of turbine engines and gas turbines.
16- Has the competence to work and take responsibility individually or as a team in working life.
17- Knows the basics of control systems related to the field. Learns programmable logical controllers. Can do basic programming.
18- Knows robotic systems related to the field. Learns the coordinate systems and simulation software of these systems at basic level.
19- Realizes the necessity of lifelong learning and constantly renews itself professionally and academically.